October 12th & 13th
apply until October 10th
This 2-day intensive course with us at Actors Space Berlin will help you develop a living foundation for your game. We will deal with the necessary skills that are needed for this and deepen your perception of sincerity and openness in order to play honestly with a simple, deep feeling. This weekend serves as an introduction or deepening of the comprehensive Meisner training and its application in scene work in front of the camera.We work on the basic qualities on the basis of scenes: listening, spontaneous response to the partner, sincerity, from one moment to the next and the real action under the presented circumstances, as well as goals, decisions and relationships.
We work on the basic qualities through scenes: listening, spontaneous response to your partner, being sincere, from one moment to the next and we train the ability to really experience and act within imagined circumstances, as well as to set goals, relationships and meanings that challenge you. These elements are irreplaceable for inspiring, authentic and moving acting, for your presence and charisma in front of the camera.
After this workshop you can continue and deepen the training with our one-year program to get the full experience of mastering your craft.
Nochmals vielen Dank für das inspirierende Einführungswochenende in die Meisnertechnik am 20. und 21. Januar in Berlin. Der Einblick in die Arbeitsweise hat mir sehr gefallen. Ich konnte wertvolles aus dem Workshop mitnehmen und habe nun ein Gefühl dafür, wo ich mit meinem Spiel stehe. Gleichzeitig wurde mir ein Leitfaden an die Hand gegeben, mit dem ich ansetzen und mich weiterentwickeln kann.